Khailil Graham Aand Denaya Young Arrested

Khailil Graham and Denaya Young Arrested: Seattle Parents Charged in Fatal Hours long Beating of Teen Son for not doing chores

Khailil Graham and Denaya Young Arrested: Seattle Parents Charged in Fatal Hours long Beating of Teen Son for not doing chores

A Seattle mother and stepfather are now both facing murder charges for the death of their son who was beaten for over three hours until he died because he didn’t do his chores.

According to a police report, 29-year-old Denaya Young said her son did not complete his chores, and she was angry. Young told her son it was “butt cutting time” then ordered him to remove his clothing and used an extension cord to beat him.

Young told investigators she shoved her son against the wall, and he struck his head, went limp, then fell to the floor. Young also told investigators she stopped the beating because her son was unresponsive. The assault lasted around three to four hours, according to a police report. The 14-year-old boy died on Jan. 30.

Twenty-seven-year-old Khailil Graham, the victim’s stepfather, is also facing charges for his son’s murder. Graham was in the home when the beating occurred, heard it, observed their son’s physical condition, and did nothing to help, according to court documents.

Graham told police he chose not to intervene in the assault saying, “I don’t want to jump in and then I’m getting jumped on you feel? Like I ain’t even, I’m not even trying to have that type of day. In these types of situations, yes. When she’s already up there, yes, it’s not wise to jump in the situation because you might catch the pain. In these situations, my best bet is to mind my own business.”

Court documents go on to say that Graham told detectives he saw bruises and blood “everywhere” on the victim’s body.

“I understand what I did, I f****d up bad, I went too far,” Young said during her initial patrol interview.

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Young told detectives during her interrogation that the 14-year-old victim was repeatedly crying for help saying “god help, help, help, help, stop hitting me, help, anyone.”

Young’s son told her that he was dizzy multiple times during the assault, but she said she thought he was faking. The police report states that Young ordered her son to stand and after complying she continued to beat him for approximately an hour.

During a detective interview, Young said she began to abuse her son around the end of November and it became an ongoing thing until his death. She admitted to using “closed fists punches to his legs and ribcage.” A police report said she has probably put her hands around his neck during previous “a**-cuttings.”

Young would also make her son strip out of his clothes during those past beatings but made him get fully naked on the beating that happened on the day he died.

Young was charged with second-degree murder on Feb. 4 and pled not guilty on Feb. 13. She remains in jail with a $3 million bail.


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